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Informations pratiques sur les cabanes | Club Alpin Suisse CAS
Projet de randonnée – Cabane Rambert
Projet de randonnée – Britanniahütte
Depart de Saas Fee. AlpinExpress jusqu’à Felskinn. Randonnée entre Felskin Britanniahütte et Plattjen. Retour en télécabine de Plattjen à Saas Fee.

Projet de randonnée – Refuge de Chalin
Un projet plutot embitieux de randonnée de montagne, le refuge de Chalin.
Celui-ci se trouve ni plus ni moins au pied des mythiques dents du midi
On laisse la voiture à l’auberge de Chindonne. 5,9 km – 1100m de dénivelé. En passant par la dent de Valère.

Les deux blogs ci-dessous decrivent leur experience très bien.
How to remove OneDrive from File Explorer
- Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
- Type regedit, and click OK to open the registry.
- Browse the following path:
If you’re having difficulties finding this particular entry, do the following: This particular entry can be repeated multiple times in the database, as such make sure to click the Find Next button several times until the Status Bar at the bottom of the Registry reads: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}. - Select the {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} key, and on the right side, double-click the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree DWORD.
- Change the DWORD value from 1 to 0.
- Close the Registry to complete the task.
Calibre – CantOpenError
- run Calibre with admin privileges
- check if antivirus is blocking the access to the database
- run Calibre with the following command (replace c:\library with the correct path to your Calibre library)
calibre –with-library c:\library
Paleo 2017 – Smooth Vulcano
Android Wear recovery mode
If the device is updated to Android Wear 6.0, follow these external reset instructions:
- Power off the watch by holding the Power key for more than 15 seconds.
- With device off, press and hold Power key. Hold the Power key until the watch vibrates 3 times. This takes about 5 seconds. ( WORKED ONLY WHILE THE WATCH WAS ON THE DOCK)
- A black and white text screen will display Bootloader Version: 954 (if it displays anything below that, those instructions do not apply to your device).
- Boot of this screen should show: Boot Mode: Normal Mode.
- Press the Power key to cycle the boot mode until it shows: Boot Mode Recover Mode.
- Press the Power key for about 1 second to boot into Recovery Mode.
Device will boot in recovery mode with the image of an android on its back. - Swipe up or down on the screen to see Recovery Mode UI and swipe left to select it.
- Swipe down to find Wipe Data/factory Reset option and swipe left to select the option.
- Swipe down to Yes and swipe left to select it.
The UI will show Wiping Data Screen.
The device will come back to recovery mode UI. - Swipe left to select the Reboot option.